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Google Sitemaps 7 Benefits You Can't Ignore

Google Sitemaps enables Webmasters to Directly Alert Google to Changes and Additions on a Website and that's just one of 7 Benefits.

Telling search engines about new pages or new websites use to be what the submission process was all about. But major search engines stopped using that process a long time ago.

Google has for a long time depended on external links from pages they already know about in order to find new websites.

For webmasters and website owners Google Sitemaps is the most important development since RSS or Blog and Ping, to hit the Internet.

Using RSS and Blog and Ping enabled webmasters to alert the search engines to new additions to their web pages even though that was not the primary purpose of these systems.

If you've ever waited weeks or months to get your web pages found and indexed you'll know how excited we webmasters get when someone discovers a new way to get your web pages found quicker.

Well that new way has just arrived in Google Sitemaps and it's a whole lot simpler than setting up an RSS feed or Blog and Ping. If you haven't heard of Blog and Ping it's a means by which it's possible to alert the search engines to crawl your new website content within a matter of hours.

If you're a webmaster or website owner Google Sitemaps is something you can't afford to ignore, even if you're also using RSS and/or Blog and Ping

The reason you should start using Google Sitemaps is that it's designed solely to alert and direct Google Search Engine crawlers to your web pages. RSS and Blog and Ping are indirect methods to alert search engines, but it's not there primary purpose.

It works now, but like most things it's becoming abused. Search Engines will find ways to combat the abuse as they've done with every other form of abuse that's gone before.

Abusing the search engines is a short term not a long term strategy and in some cases certain forms of abuse will get you banned from a search engines index.

You may also be thinking, don't we already have web page meta tags that tell a search engine when to revisit a page. That's true, but the search engine spider still has to find the new page first, before it can read the meta tag. Besides that meta tags are out of favour with many search engines especially Google, because of abuse.

If talk of search engine spiders leaves you confused, they're nothing more than software programs that electronically scour the Internet visiting web sites looking for changes and new pages.

How often the search engine spider alias robot, visits your website depends on how often your site content is updated, or you alert them to a change. Otherwise for a search engine like Google they may only visit a website once a month.

As the internet gets bigger every second of every day, the problem for search engines and webmasters is becoming evidently greater. For the search engines it's taking their search spiders longer to crawl the web for new sites or updates to existing ones.

For the webmaster it's taking longer and becoming more difficult to get web pages found and indexed by the search engines

If you can't get web pages found and indexed by search engines, your pages will never be found in a search and you'll get no visitors from search engines to those pages.

The answer to this problem at least for Google is Google Sitemaps

Whilst still only in a beta phase while Google refines the process, it's fully expected that this system, or one very similar, is here to stay.

Google Sitemaps is clearly a win-win situation

Google wins because it reduces the huge waste of their resources to crawl web sites that have not changed. Webmasters win because they alert Google through Google Sitemaps what changes or new content has been added to a website and direct Google's crawlers to the exact pages.

Google Sitemaps has the potential to speed up the process of discovery and addition of pages to Google's index for any webmaster that uses Google Sitemaps.

Conventional sitemaps have been used by webmasters for quite some time to allow the easier crawling of their websites by the search engine spiders. This type of sitemap is a directory of all pages on the website that the webmaster wants the search engines or visitors to find.

Without sitemaps a webmaster runs the risk of webpage's being difficult to find by the search engine crawlers, or never being found at all.

Do I need Google Sitemaps if I already have sitemaps on my websites ?

Google Sitemaps are different to conventional sitemaps because they're only seen by the Search Engine Spiders and not human visitors. Google Sitemaps also contain information that's only of value to the search engine in a format they understand.

Creating Google Sitemaps in 5 steps

1. Create Google Sitemaps in a supported format ( see end of article )

2. Upload Google Sitemaps to your Web Hosting space

3. Register for a free Google Account if you don't already have one

4. Login to your Google Sitemaps Account and submit the location of your sitemaps

5. Update your Sitemaps when your site changes and Resubmit it to Google

From your Google Sitemaps account you can also see when your sitemap was last updated and when Google downloaded it for processing. It will also tell you if there were any problems found with your sitemaps.

Google Sitemaps can be used with commercial or non-commercial websites, those with a single webpage, through to sites with millions of constantly updated pages. However a single Google Sitemaps file is limited to 50,000 web pages. For websites with more pages, another Google Sitemaps file must be created for each block of 50,000 pages.

If you want Google to crawl more of your pages and alert them when content on your site changes, you should be using Google Sitemaps. The other added benefit is it's free.

If you're expecting this special alert process with Google Sitemaps to improve your Page Rank, change the way Google ranks your web pages, or in any way guarantee inclusion of your web pages, Google has made it clear it will make no difference.

Google Sitemaps web pages are still subject to the same rules as non Google Sitemaps pages.

If your site has dynamic content or pages that aren't easily discovered by following links, Google Sitemaps will allow spiders to know what URLs are available and how often page content changes.

Google has said that Google Sitemaps is not a replacement for the normal crawling of web pages and websites as that will continue in the conventional way. Google Sitemaps does however allow the search engine to do a better job of crawling your site.

The Google Sitemap Protocol is an XML file containing a list of the URLs on a site. It also tells the search engine when each page was last updated, how often each page changes and how important each page is in relation to other web pages in the site.

Google Sitemaps 7 Benefits You Can't Ignore

1. Alert Google to Changes and Additions to your Website Anytime You Want

2. Your Website is crawled more Efficiently and Effectively

3. Web Pages are Categorized and Prioritized exactly How You Want

4. Speed up the process of New Website and New Web Page Discovery

5. No Waiting and Guessing to see when Spiders crawl your web pages

6. Google Sitemaps is likely to set the standard for Webpage Submission and Update Notification which will extend the benefits to other Search Engines

7. The Google Sitemaps service is Free

Exactly how to create a Google Sitemaps file to upload to your website is in the continuing part of this article in Google Sitemaps.

10 Tips For Web Success

The webmaster's biggest job is to get their traffic up and keep customers/visitors coming back. Building the site is one thing, but simply building and posting a website does not guarantee traffic. In fact, a website could be beautiful and an example of all the latest technology and still not attract a single visitor if not promoted correctly. Here are 10 tips to guide you to success with your website.

(1) The internet is a new medium.
At least compared to print, it is. A website is a waste if it simply re-hashes something which could easily be put into print. Don't have the site be just an online brochure. Put up features which take advantage of the internet as a medium of communication. Filter information for them. Provide search capability. Provide interactivity with features like forums, quizzes and tools. Web visitors like to interact.

(2) Treat the Customer's Time as Valuable.
When a person visits your website, you have their attention for that point in time. You either need to use it or you will lose it - fast. Most visitors have short attention spans, what you need to design your site homepage so that it grabs their attention and provides what they are looking for right away. Its like walking into a restaurant. If you walk in and just stand there and nobody comes to greet you, you might wonder what is happening. But, if the hostess comes and greets you right away and walks you to a table, then you will be there for awhile and eat. The same analogy goes for websites. Don't overcomplicate your website homepage. Best results will be obtained if you make it very clear where to click to find what they need.

(3) Design the site for customers, not the company.
Your site needs to satisfy the needs of customers, not the company. So, don't post content which is not really useful to the site's customer. And avoid over-flattering marketing hype about the company. It inflates the ego of the company more than it helps your customer.

(4) Involve the Visitor.
Keep the visitor involved and make them feel like a valuable contributor. Actively ask for the feedback and suggestions. Ask for communication from your visitors and answer that communication swiftly. When getting that communication, capture their email address. This will allow you to communicate with them long after they have moved on and forgotten about you.

(5) Keep it Current.
You need to have content on your website which is timely and relevant to the customer's life. Posting month-old news is not interesting. Posting dry product information which never changes is not interesting. Yes, you need to have product information and other information on your site that won't change much, but you can also post more timely content. You can, for example, post content about how your products can be used in certain situations in life. Provide tips and techniques - things which are immediately applicable and solve a problem.

(6) Pay Attention to Form/Design.
Some sites simply over-do it on the eye-candy. Big graphics just for the sake of graphics often impress the site's designer more than the visitor. Do not use graphics that are large and purposeless. Remember, some visitors may still be accessing your website via dial-up. Your site needs to load up quickly for all users. A slow website will cause your users to leave quickly. Also, pay attention to graphic and design size. Many web designers operate on fairly large screen resolutions and sometimes forget that even though a graphic looks great to you, it will appear enormous to somebody on a smaller resolution. On the flip side, don't go too light on graphics. A site which is poorly designed and using the default font and no color is not very aesthetically pleasing. Any web visitor, whether they admit it or not, judges your company by your website unless they have something else to go on. A well-designed site communicates professionalism. A poor design makes the site seem like an afterthought.

(7) Promote.
When a visitor communicates to you via email, it is best to use a web form. not only will this keep your email address from being picked up by spammers, it will also allow you to ask your customers for their email address and then store that address for later use. Employ the "push/pull" marketing strategy. A visitor coming to your website is the pull, but later you want to push content back to them in the form of a newsletter or other promotional material. Start a mailing list and use it. Invite visitors to sign up. Promotion makes or breaks a business, and as long as you respect the ethical considerations of your mailing list, you should use it.

(8) Don't Operate in a Cocoon.
The internet is a medium which is shared by millions. When you set up your website, don't operate as if you are a self-contained island. Get out there and keep in tune with what is happening on other websites related to your own. Participate in forums. Post links to other websites and ask for a link in return. Form partnerships with other sites if it is appropriate. When it comes to communication, people like personal contacts. Hiding behind general email address like "sales" and "info" is OK as long as there is a way to also email you directly. A company site which allows email direct to the management is good. Just remember how much you hate calling a company and getting stuck in their phone system. Sometimes you just want to talk to somebody. Give your visitors that ability.

(9) Have a Plan to Attract Repeat Traffic.
Use newsletters, out-going email, contests, forums, clubs, auctions - anything that will cause people to return to your website. When posting links to other websites, don't just send your visitors somewhere else. They may never return. Provide them an exit page. Give them a pop-up when they try to leave your site. Or at the very least make external links open in a new window.

(10) Track Your Visitors
Pay attention to your site's statistics and react accordingly. What are people reading? How are they finding you? Do they just come and leave right from your homepage? How long as they are on your website? Do they return? This data is immensely valuable in fine-tuning your website based on customer needs and wants. Remember, the biggest mistake of any webmaster is designing the site for what THEY want. A successful website is designed for the target audience, not to impress the site's owner.

Costa Rica Travel Packages

Located in southern Central America, Costa Rica is surrounded by three different bodies of water including the Panama Canal on the southeast, the Pacific Ocean on the southwest and west and the Caribbean Ocean on the east. Because of Costa Rica's close proximity to several bodies of water, the country is an ideal stopping point for various cruise ships carrying throngs of adventurous vacationers. Depending on the area of Costa Rica you are in, the climate can differ dramatically. There are cool wet mountain ranges, rain forests, dry tropical forests, cloud forests, the very dry Pacific coast and the damp Caribbean coast. Because of Costa Rica's diverse climate, the country is home to 850 species of birds, 205 species of mammals, 9,000 species of flowering plants, 1,200 species of orchids and 376 species of reptiles and amphibians. For a country that only measures 51,060 square kilometers, this is a wide variety of natural wildlife. Costa Rica strives to maintain the land's natural beauty and wildlife by designating one sixth of the country to national parks and wildlife refuges. Costa Rica is also home to several active volcanoes. Arenal erupts daily every fifteen minutes or so. The locals welcome foreigners with open arms making Costa Rica one of the most desirable vacation and retirement spots in the world. It is for these and other reasons that a Costa Rica vacation cruise should be booked today. The memories will last a lifetime.
An Abundance of Outdoor Recreation: Costa Rica is big on water related activities. Wave riders travel from all over the world to test out their expertise in Costa Rica's waters. Both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts offer up some notorious surfing. On the Atlantic Coast, Puerto Viejo's Salsa Brava gets some great breaks during the winter months although this area is often crowded. On the Pacific side, Playa Hermosa is the most consistent place to catch some waves. If these areas are flat, no need to worry, snorkeling and kayaking are always an option. Wind surfers have nothing but praise for Lake Arenal. It is considered one of the world's best wind surfing spots and on good days you can cruise over 25 miles across the lake. There might not be anything more romantic when you're on vacation with the one you love than enjoying a horseback ride. Whether its on the beach or through a National Park, the experience is sure to be memorable. Other popular outdoor activities to be enjoyed while in Costa Rica include hiking, mountain biking, deep sea fishing, bungee jumping, sailing, bird watching and ballooning. More adventurous activities include repelling down through the center of waterfalls, canopy tours through the tropical trees and white water rafting.
A Mecca for Nature Lovers: Nature lovers should take advantage of Costa Rica's numerous National Parks and refuges. Crocovado is both a rain forest and black sand beach. The Tabacon Hot Springs is nature's equivalent to the Jacuzzi. Unwind near cascading waterfalls in the various pools and hot springs. A trip to the Monteverde Cloud Forest will almost guarantee a sighting of Costa Rica's most famous bird, the Quetzal. The Rain Forest Aerial Tram is located out of San Jose, the country's capital, and offers a guided canopy tour of the rain forest. Manuel Antonio Park is teeming with monkeys and other wildlife. The Tortuguera is Costa Rica's most famous protected nesting area. If you are not a fan of outdoor activities, don't worry, there is plenty else to do and see. The National Museum traces Costa Rica's colorful history and culture. The museum was founded in 1887 and is located in San Jose. Patrons of the arts should try and catch one of the numerous performance put on at the National Theater. The National Theater offers classical music and opera performances in addition to others. Sarchi is located outside of San Jose and is a great place to visit and admire the country's handicraft.

Studying the International Travel Insurance Scene

Student international travel insurance is affordable. In fact, it's almost always the most affordable of any international travel insurance. In many cases, students aren't the only one who qualify, either. Some student international travel insurance carriers offer the student coverage and rates not only to full time and part time college students but also to their dependents and other family members, as well as visiting faculty and other scholars. The age limit on this student coverage is typically 49 years of age.

These low-cost student international travel insurance carriers sometimes provide one hundred percent of the cost of covered events such as illness, injury, evacuation and repatriation. Many student international travel insurance carriers offer choices of coverage, so that you can pick and choose the coverage limits you wish and can afford.

One carrier, for example, provides three plans, all of which can be quoted and purchased online. The minimum level, the least costly student international travel insurance policy, provides a $100,000 ceiling for medical coverage, but only $50,000 for a single incident. The deductible for each incident is $150. Were you, your loved one, or anyone's remains require repatriation, the payment with this student international travel insurance would be up to $25,000. Emergency evacuation coverage at this level is $50,000. $10,000 is the ceiling for AD&D (accidental death and dismemberment.) Depending on your age premium for this coverage can be as low as $59.

The best coverage, with a price tag of $69, increases your ceilings on many of the coverage events. With this top-notch student international travel insurance you would realize a lifetime ceiling of $250,000, and each event, whether illness or injury, would have its own ceiling of $150,000. Your deductible is lowered to $90 per event, although the limits for repatriation ($50,000), emergency evacuation ($50,000) and accidental death and dismemberment coverage ($10,000) remain the same no matter which student international travel insurance level of coverage you choose.

When you purchase your student international travel insurance online you'll be required to supply your destination, travel dates or length of stay, your age and the age of anyone in your travel group and whether you are a student. As a student you'll need to supply your college name and location as well as your program of study.

Best Buys in Your Yearly Worldwide Travel Coverage

For best buys in annual travel insurance worldwide you need first only travel as far as your Internet connection. Annual travel insurance for worldwide travel is the best buy, as compared with single trip coverage, if you're going to be making more than one trip in a calendar year, or if you're stay is going to be lengthy.

Let's look at some insurers and plans that qualify as best buy annual travel insurance worldwide. One UK travel insurance carrier that dubs itself the cheapest worldwide travel insurance offers not only annual coverage but plans specific to a single trip, a business trip, backpacking adventures, and plans designed with folks over 65 in mind.

You can purchase the best buys in worldwide travel insurance for a year's worth of worldwide coverage that includes the U.S. and Canada as well as Europe, or you can choose to exclude the United States and Canada. This coverage, while noted as worldwide travel insurance does exclude from coverage several high-risk areas - the countries of Israel, Lebanon, Libya and Algeria. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find annual or single trip travel insurance coverage for these countries anywhere. Were you to do so you can count on them not being among your best buy.

Let's look at an example quote and see if it is indeed one of the best buys in annual travel insurance worldwide. These quotes are for UK residents. Assuming two adults, the oldest 64, traveling in Europe, the range of cost is indeed quite low - from a per person low of $46.43 U.S. dollars to a high of $78.18. These just might be some of the best buys in annual travel insurance worldwide. Coverage includes trip delay or cancellation protection, medical care, the cost of repatriation back to your home, hospital care, lost or delayed luggage, missed flight connection or departure, hijacking, accident, personal liability, care of injured pet, and even vacation abandonment (which means were your flight or cruise to be delayed 12 hours or more you could choose to cancel your plans and be reimbursed for doing so.) These best buys in annual worldwide travel insurance also offer additional coverage add-ons (for an additional price, of course.)

You can choose to pay an extra fee for additional travel insurance coverage for loss or theft of money you carry with you, for loss or damage to business equipment such as your laptop, blackberry or cell phone, and for injury during participation in golf or winter sports.

Best buys in travel insurance worldwide are also found on the Internet, with many sites offering an easy comparison.

Is it Wise to Purchase Travel Insurance?

The best way to determine if, for you, it is wise to purchase travel insurance, is to consider the various emergency situations that could arise during your trip, determine the best guess for the cost of each, and see whether you can afford to pay for the worst case scenarios out of your own pocket.

If the answer is no, then it is indeed wise to purchase travel insurance.

Even if the answer is yes, however, money is not the only issue in determining the wisdom of travel insurance.

Let's take a look at what can happen in your travels - the situations that travel insurance could have covered. You and your family take a delayed flight from home to another location where you are to change planes. Because of your delay, however, you have missed your connection. Your tickets are non-refundable, non-exchangeable. You are now faced with the purchase of new tickets, with a hefty last-minute price tag, as well as the feeding and housing for your whole party as the next flight is tomorrow morning. If you had been wise and purchased travel insurance you would have been reimbursed for these costs.

Your spouse is diabetic. Her purse is stolen while you are traveling. You have no travel insurance and you're in a foreign country. How do you retrieve the money lost from her wallet, replace her much-needed reading glasses and, most importantly, get her the insulin she so desperately needs? If you had been wise and purchased travel insurance you would have been reimbursed for these costs. You would have also had someone to call or see for help purchasing insulin.

You have had a wonderful vacation and you're ready to travel home. You suddenly get the word that the airline on which you are returning has gone bankrupt and all planes are grounded. How do you get home? To whom do you turn for help and advice? You are in a country where few people speak your language. Who can help you translate? If you had been wise and purchased travel insurance you could have not only been reimbursed for the loss of the price of your airline tickets but you could have been provided with a translator and someone to help you find an alternate flight or cruise home.

These are but a few of the common occurrences when traveling. Perhaps travel insurance is indeed a wise decision.

Texas Holdem Starting Hands

The first thing a Holdem player should learn is which cards are worth playing, and which should be folded. Many beginning players stay in a hand with cards that have little or no future, and it ends up showing in there chip count.
Remember that no two cards alone can be unbeatable, and once the flop falls things that once looked good may no longer be worth pursuing. Still, to give yourself the best chance to succeed, play only the premium hands.
The best starting hands are: Large Pairs - Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks. Even pairs of tens and nines and eights are high quality starting hands. Play them.
Aces with suited High Cards - When you get an Ace with a K,Q,J, or even a ten, many good things can happen. You already have high card. If a flush comes, you'll have the best possible one because of your ace. High straights, and even a straight flush is possible with these cards. Play them.
Suited Faces Cards and Tens - While it's nicer to have an ace in the hole, suited face cards are playable hands. They hold a lot of potential including high pair with a strong kicker, straights, and flushes.
Aces with unsuited High Cards - Aces with an unsuited partner can still give you top pair with a high kicker, or a high straight. Because other players may also have an ace, the strength of the second card in your hand is important. If two players tie, that second card, or 'kicker' will decide the winner. This is why A-10 is a playable hand, and A-6 is not. (A-10 can also turn into a high straight). So while aces are highly sought after, do not feel the need to play every hand in which you are dealt an ace.
King with Face Card - A King with a Queen, or with a Jack is a playable hand. But, it is not as strong as you may think. Still, two face cards rank high enough that seeing the flop is often a good idea.
These are the strongest starting hands in a Texas Holdem game. Other hands are playable depending on the circumstances at the table, but beginners may want to stick to playing only these premium hands until they understand the game more fully. Playing these hands will not guarantee that you will be a winner. Poker doesn't work that way. Even pairs of Aces get beaten. But, if you want to win a pot, finding any of the cards listed on the chart in your hand is a good place to start. this article compliments of

Seven Ways to Emphasize a Decor Style

Seven Ways To Emphasize A Décor Style By Julie Dana, The Home Stylist.
After searching decorating books, using trial and error decorating, and growing up a little bit, you have finally found the style of decorating that you really love. Your style could be Arts & Crafts, French Country, Asian, or Metro Hip. If you are still searching for your style or want a second opinion on what your general home style really is, try taking the fun style quiz on
Now that you have identified a décor style, the challenging part may now be to implement that style and make it substantial enough so others will notice. There are seven simple elements that will really help you emphasize this great look.
1. Choose a focal point that will reflect your décor style. This signature piece is usually the most dominate item you see and sets the tone of the room. If this piece is not your specific style, the room will not look its best. An example could be a beautiful Queen Ann armoire for a Classic Traditional style or a large rustic log mantel for the Mountain Lodge look.
2. Use colors that are common to that specific style. Different décor styles are usually shown with a collection of colors that are prominent for that palette. Make sure your room has those colors. For example, French Country is well known for its pretty yellows and blues. Americana Style would not be the same without red, white and blue.
3. Collect in a theme that emphasizes that style. Every ones needs a conversation piece or collection that demonstrates the owner’s personality and interests. A collection also doesn’t need to be large just 3 to 5 objects. Ginger jars for the Asian Décor or cute porcelain teapots to emphasize an English Garden style.
4. Frame an authentic object that is original to the country or era. This simple task does not have to be expensive. Old Postcards from Italy for your Tuscany Villa Style or wine labels from France for a European Look will add authenticity and personal touch to the décor.
5. Purchase a large coffee table book to demonstrate that décor. Large beautiful books can subtly emphasis the style you enjoy. The book does need to be a decor books but rather a topic that is related to the style. For example, a Vintage Advertisements for the Shabby Chic look, or Andy Warhol book for the Metro-Modern look.
6. Use plants or flowers that coordinate with the décor. The greenery can be real or artificial as long as they look healthy. Nothing spoils a designer-look like a dying plant. Use cactus for the Southwestern look or a great palm tree for the Tropical style.
7. Review all you accents and accessories to make sure they blend with your new found style. By reviewing each element individually to see if it blends (not necessary perfectly matches), you can make sure you have a well-coordinated look. Look for a geometric patterned pillow for a Modern look; search for fringed lampshades for an Old World style.
Remember decorating is a process. Searching for those perfect accessories to emphasize your style is part of the fun. These tips will help you add the style you want to the home you love.

Photography Jobs: Do You Have a Future in Photography?

Photography Jobs: Do You Have a Future in Photography? by Colin Hartness
There is a wide world of photography. It touches each of us in our lives on a daily basis in some form or another. Photography is so much a part of our culture now that we hardly even notice all the places that it exists. When you watch television, look at a magazine or even view a billboard on the highway, this is all because of photography. There are so many ways that photography crosses our lives each day. There are a lot of opportunities for someone looking for photography jobs.
What Photography Jobs are Available?
If you enjoy photography and are thinking of it as a career, there are actually many different directions you can choose from. Obviously, there is professional photography but even in that choice there are many other smaller options that you have as well.
You can become a photographer in a special field such as wedding or family photographer. You can choose to make money taking pictures of things you love such as animals, nature or ships. If you enjoy scuba diving, you can become an underwater photographer. Pretty much anything you can think of, there is room to take and sell pictures of it.
If you love taking pictures and the idea of a career in photography sounds good to you, just how do you begin finding photography jobs?
How Do You Find Photography Jobs?
There are different ways of finding photography jobs, depending on the type of job you are looking for and your experience. You can begin by creating a resume and portfolio of your work. Then you can search on the internet at freelance photography job boards or photography websites and message boards. Get specific into types of photographing you have done and look on the internet for those.
You can go locally and look for internships or local firms or companies that may need photographers. You can get the word out by doing small events such as birthday parties and such. Get your name out as someone who will work these functions. Show friends and family samples of your work and ask them to spread the word. You may even want to participate in a charitable or non-profit event to boost your portfolio.
You can also begin submitting your work to contests and magazines to get yourself known and build your portfolio. Placing or winning in contests and getting published in magazines can help you build clips that you can use for getting bigger and better jobs.
Lastly, you can actually apply to jobs directly. It is best to do this only if you have the proper qualifications for the job. You don’t want to set your goals so high that you get let down but there is nothing wrong with going for what you want. Most importantly, get as involved with what you love as possible. Learn as much as you can about photography and what makes good photography. Subscribe to magazines, read books, look at winners of photography contests.

Transmit Clean Digital Audio with Digital Coaxial Cables

In the world of digital audio, there are two types of cable to choose from; optical cables which use light to transmit signal and digital coaxial cable. These audio cables will enable your home theater system to transmit digital data between components. This will provide you with superior sound quality over typical RCA audio cables.
How Digital Coaxial Cable Works
Digital coaxial cables employ the same principles as other coaxial cables. The inner conducting layer is surrounded by an outer conductor as well as the rubbery insulating layer outside the cable. The digital signal is sent through the inner conductor as it travels between components. During the course of its transmission, the signal routinely comes in contact with the outer conductor. The outer conductive layer is created with materials that act as a reflector for the signal, thereby bouncing it back off of its surface. The signal will continue to reflect within the confines of inner conductor until it reaches the receiving component.
Dedicated to Digital Audio
Digital coaxial cable has only one purpose; to deliver digital audio between components. This is in complete contrast to RF coaxial cable which transmits both video and audio along the same path. As you may suspect, dedicating the entire bandwidth of the cable to sending only digital audio has excellent ramifications for your home theater’s sound quality. This practice results in greater signal fidelity between the transmitting device and the receiving component. Greater signal fidelity means that the sound you hear from your home theater speakers will be a truer representation of the way the sound was originally recorded.
Benefits of Digital Coaxial Cables
Digital coaxial cable also has another benefit related to its dedication to digital audio. In the manner that signal transmission usually takes place, the digital signal from the source, a DVD for example, is sent to a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The signal is converted to analog and sent through the given cable where it reaches the receiving component on the other side. This component uses an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to reconstruct the digital signal as closely as possible. During this process, errors and variations can be introduced to the signal resulting in audible artifacts and distortions that diminish your home theater’s sound quality.
Unlike with other audio cables, digital coaxial cable can transmit digital signals along its length without the need to convert to analog. Digital coaxial cable is capable of by-passing this process and delivers a cleaner signal to your home theater receiver.
Applications of Digital Coaxial Cables
Connections for digital coaxial cables can be found on everything from DVD players to home theater receivers. If it uses digital audio, then chances are there is a manufacturer who has made that component with digital coaxial cables in mind.

Investing in a Billiard Cue

Buying your own pool cue can be a confusing business as there are so many different brands on offer. Because of this it is important that you do not jump straight in and buy the first cue that catches your eye.
I agree that most people will purchase a cue first of all because of its aesthetic appeal but you don’t have to be a cue maker to realise that aesthetics do not reflect the playability of a cue.
Players who want to improve their game all come to the conclusion that they require their own playing cue. This is very important to a pool player’s development, a player builds a bond with a particular cue and get used to the way it feels and the way that it plays. A player that is playing regularly cannot get this same consistency from a standard house cue. You cannot guarantee that a house cue is straight or that the tip will do a proficient job.
When buying a cue it is important to try and get the right feel as if you just buy the first thing you come across then you could be spending hard earned cash on an instrument that you are not happy with in the long run. My advice to anyone purchasing a cue is to try as many different types before you buy. Ask friends, family or other regular players down at your local pool hall if you can play a few racks with their cue. This will give you a better understanding of what suits you and what doesn’t.
When ordering a cue make sure that it is the correct weight for you, not only should it be comfortable, but also having the wrong weight can make a huge difference to the feel of the cue. I have had many players in the past that have come to me to purchase a cue and have just ordered the weight that I have in stock rather than waiting the couple of weeks whilst it is ordered.
The next thing to consider is the shaft; the majority of pool cue shafts are made from Maple, this is a very hardwearing wood. You have to decide whether you are going to go for a plain Maple shaft or one of the name brands like Predator or Meucci. The name brand shafts are excellent for what they offer but it is also reflected in the price, both of the manufacturers mentioned claim to have the least cue ball deflection when playing with side English. The predator has a very stiff hit created by the laminating of ten pieces of maple in a cylindrical pattern. The Meucci has quite soft whippy feel to it, which is caused by the flat lamination of 32 thin pieces of maple. Both cues are excellent but there are a whole host of other manufacturers out there whose cues would suffice. Another thing to look out for is shafts layered with fibreglass. These cues do have extra strength through the design but the feel of the shaft can get very sticky and jerky through your bridging hand, the main brands that use this are Cuetec and Scorpion.
When a manufacturer releases a new range of cues they more than likely will all play the same what you are then paying for is the level of decoration, or the exotic woods that have been used in the inlays. For example in the Predator 4K Series you would get the same feel from the 4K1 at £380 as you would get from the 4K7 at £720. The only difference would be the hole in your pocket. But don’t be put off, if you like a cue and are happy with the feel and playability then go for it, who am I to stop you?
To sum up the important things are:
· Try before you buy · Get the right weight · Select the type of shaft to suit you · Get the price right · Choose the decoration to suit you.
When you have combined all of these factors then you should get years worth of playability and pleasure from your investment. Some cues if looked after may even grow in value.

Batman Begins VS the Fantastic Four. What Next?

Well, it looks like Hollywood keeps it continual pot of revenue filled with, guess what, comic book heroes. Batman Begins and The Fantastic Four are about to duke it out on Hollywood and Vine. An age-old comic book company rivalry is yet renewing the heat this year. I guess all of us comic book aficionados always wonder who would win the battle between such and such superheroes.
Well at least in the next few months one way to keep score is to watch the revenues generated between the recently released “Batman Begins” and the soon to be released “Fantastic Four”, which were both childhood fascinations of mine. Not only are there superhero “what ifs” going on here, but which comic book company will stand to gain the most economic substantiation? Batman punches the daily time clock at DC Comics and the Fantastic Four was the brainchild of Stan Lee and crew at Marvel Comics.
And don’t tell me there is a small comic book hero market. Batman Begins claimed the number one spot in gross revenue on its opening weekend. It is going to be very interesting to see what the Fantastic Four does. Hollywood is definitely increasing the thickness of its silver lining these days with comic book hero movies. Batman took in almost $49 million it’s opening weekend. How many mint condition old comic books would you have to sell to make that kind of dough? Are we in the wrong end of the comic book world (ha ha)?
The rivalry between Marvel and DC used to be a major dividing line amongst the tight knit group of comic book collectors. When comic book interest started to decline in the 1970s, this issue became largely irrelevant. But now as video games, online role-playing games and major motion picture productions are spreading across the globe, the classic Marvel-DC conflict is springing back to life.
Superman is coming back to life on the big screen as well as Wonder Woman. Marvel has been riding high off their major successes with the X-men and Spiderman. They are now digging deep into their catalog of characters and are working on screen adaptations of Iron Man, the Submariner, Thor and Silver Surfer, among others. Have we entered a new comic book age that will have to be defined around major motion pictures? Maybe it could be call the “Greenback Age”. Do you have another definition?
And as computer literate as so many are these days, Marvel and DC will have to start developing more online games and virtual universes of all their characters that you and I will be willing to pay a monthly fee to access through our computers and game consoles. Ka-ching, Ka-ching. DC has already announced a deal with Sony Online Entertainment and Marvel is working with Vivendi Universal Games. With the massive successes of the X-Men and Spiderman movies, this has proven that the Marvel characters still have life and relevance in today’s pop culture.
While DC may be playing a bit of catch up, they are quick to point out that they and Warner Bro. have been more successful on the small screen with TV shows like “Smallville” and several animated cartoon series. And further since their TV and film projects are filmed and aired by the Warner Bro. conglomerate, DC gets to keep more of the profit than Marvel does on their projects.
What do we, the consumer public, get out of all this? Well, for one, we get to see our heroes in a more realistic light than ever before. We can grab that popcorn and maybe an extra drink and watch our comic book heroes and characters come to life in a real world setting, at least for a few hours, and walk out with a little more joy in our hearts. Go out and get immersed in Batman Begins and hold your breath for the Fantastic Four. And besides, this new revelation in Hollywood may just increase the value of our old mint condition comics. We can only wait and see.
Dave Gieber, a former rocket engineer, has decided to take up residency on the Internet. He is the owner and editor of several websites, one of which was built around one of his childhood passions; . You can visit here to keep up to date on the world of comic books and comic book collecting. Feel free to sign up for his comic book ezine at